etsy mini

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Thread storage solution!

I just had to share this with you. I'm sure that plenty of people out there have the same problem as I did.
Anyone who uses Pinterest probably knows about storing embroidery thread on clothes pegs which is a great idea and works. However when you have as many threads as I do where do you put all of those pegs when they are prettily wound with thread? I scoured the Internet and found plenty of ideas but none suitable for me. I have a lot of thread but wanted my storage to be portable as I often stitch in the evening whilst watching TV. I also wanted to be able to see at a glance what I have.
My husband has been quite helpful and keen to help me resolve this matter. Perhaps because he knows he will end up having to make something for me if I can't find anything. It was him that came up with this idea.
We were in one of those shops that sells everything when he saw some toast racks. I couldn't understand why he was so interested in them until he pointed out that they would be perfect for pinning the pegs on , cheap and portable. We bought a couple and came home. Guesß what? It worked!
I still have a 'few' more to do but I have another toast rack and more pegs and I know how to use them.
On the rack above I have six rows of eleven pegs but could easily fit at least one more row in so quite a few are stored in a small space.
Now for the others.......